divendres, 15 de maig del 2020

Aquests dies hem estat veient una espècie que està en perill d'extinció per la desforestació i com les nostres accions afecten el nostre planeta i als éssers vius que hi conviuen. 

Aquesta setmana us proposa passar a l'acció fent la tasca següent:

Escolta la següent cançó i fixa't en els pòsters que porten.

Aquí us deixo la lletra de la cançó:

LYRICS This is an SOS from the kids All the grown ups take note of this We’re finding our voice, calling you out You can’t leave the world in fire and drought This is an SOS from the kids Please change the story Re-write the plot This beautiful earth Can not be lost Stop hurting our planet Like you don’t care There’s only one world For us to share This is an SOS from the kids All the grown ups take note of this Wake up and see that you must make a change The riches you seek will all be washed away This is an SOS from the kids Please change the story Re-write the plot This beautiful earth can not be lost Stop hurting our planet like you don’t care There’s only one world For us to share Don’t listen to the fat cats, they only want their cream Always needing oil for feeding their machines We must care about the animals; care about the trees I'll need help from you, you'll get help from me! Please change the story Re-write the plot This beautiful earth, can not be lost Stop hurting our planet, like you don’t care There’s only one world, for us to share This is an SOS from the kids You can do better than this

TASCA: Fer un pòster amb una frase sobre què podem fer per salvar el nostre planeta i enviar un vídeo explicant-ho (amb el pòster al costat).

Per explicar-ho pots utilitzar les expressions següents:

- We have to... (Hem de...). EX: We have to plant more trees.

- We should... (Hauriem de...) EX: We should recycle the plastic.

Recordeu que teniu fins al proper Divendres 22 de Maig per realitzar el vídeo i enviar-me'l a: pie.gilpe@gmail.com. 

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